Kompyuter barcha jihatlarda a'lo ishlashi bilan muhandislik plastikining turidir. It has great advantages in impact resistance, heat resistance, molding dimensional stability and flame retardancy. Shuning uchun u elektron jihozlar, avtomobillar, sport anjomlari va boshqa sohalarda keng qo'llaniladi. However, PC molecular chains contain a large number of benzene rings, which makes it difficult for the molecular chains to move, resulting in a large melt viscosity of PC. During the processing process, the PC molecular chains are oriented. After processing, some of the molecular chains that are not completely deoriented in the product tend to return to their natural state, which will cause a large amount of residual stress in the PC injection molded products, resulting in cracks during product use or storage; Shu bilan birga, kompyuter nozik sezgir materialdir. Ushbu kamchiliklar yanada kengayishni cheklaydi.
In order to improve the notch sensitivity and stress cracking of PC and improve its processing performance, toughening agents are usually used to toughen PC. At present, the additives commonly used for PC toughening modification on the market include acrylate toughening agents (ACR), methyl methacrylate-butadiene-styrene toughening agents (MBS) and toughening agents composed of methyl methacrylate as shell and acrylate and silicone as core. Ushbu qattiqlashtiruvchi vositalar shaxsiy kompyuter bilan yaxshi mos keladi, shuning uchun qattiqlashtiruvchi vositalar kompyuterda teng ravishda tarqalishi mumkin.
Asosiy uskunalar:
6196: yuqori haroratli saqlash testi (aniq pech);
UP-6118: harorat urishining testi (sovuq va issiq shok);
UP-6195F: TC yuqori va past haroratli tsikl (haroratning tez o'zgarishi Sinov palatasi);
UP-6195C: harorat va namlik tebranishi (uchta keng qamrovli test palatalari);
UP-6110: Yuqori tezlashma stress testi (yuqori bosim tezlashtirildi)qarish sinov xonasi);
● Test the melt mass flow rate of the material according to ISO 1133 standard, the test condition is 300 ℃/1. 2 kg;
● Test the notched impact strength of the material according to ISO180 standard, use the notch sample making machine to prepare a “V”-shaped notch, the notch depth is 2 mm, and the sample is stored at -30 ℃ for 4 h before past haroratli zarba sinovi;
●Sariqlik indeksi (IYI) testi:
●SEM tahlili:
Yuborilgan vaqt: 2024 yil 22-avgust